Saturday, February 20 i've probably said in every post i'm SuPEr stressed. I just manage to leave everything till the last minute, including applying to nursing school. Yesterday i was running around trying to get everything done so i can turn it in next week. I really don't understand why i leave absolutely EVerYthinG till the very last second when it stresses me out SO much. But i don't think i'll be changin' any time soon....well, my life is pretty much the same. It really doesn't change...which sounds lame, but true. Valentines Day was dumb. I refrained from doing a whole post on how stupid i think it is. Complete waste of a holiday if you ask me, but who's asking. I just do work and and school....sorry there isn't anything really super interesting to add to my blog. When something slightly interesting comes along then i'll blog again....

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